12 Mayıs 2015 Salı


UK General Election 2015

Published time: May 07, 2015 07:42
Edited time: May 07, 2015 10:31 Reuters/Darren Staples Reuters/Darren Staples

The UK is choosing its new 56th parliament in the 2015 General Election. There are 650 constituencies across the country. Among the front-runners are the Conservatives, Labour and UKIP.

Political blogger Guido Fawkes has reported that the Conservatives are having problems with their voter software which is failing to generate knock up slips of people who are registered but have yet to vote.

"This is a message from CCHQ that I’ve been asked to send out to London officers: ‘Vote Source’ isn’t generating knock up slips in committee rooms. Can you urgently ring each user and ask them to stop generating more as it is making the queue even longer! You can generate them from the control room. Vs team working on issue will be fixed soon" they quote a source as saying.

One Kent local has notified us that UKIP's buses have been defaced vandals with a sense of humour...

Our video agency has posted footage of David Cameron casting his vote early this morning with wife Samantha.

While this is the most diverse general election the UK has had in decades, there is still a battle between the two main parties, Labour and the Conservatives, to gain the highest number of seats. But what are the differences between the two giants of UK politics?

"Regardless of how the British public votes today, one outcome is guaranteed: the UK will end up with some form of either a Labour government or a Conservative government.

The two largest political parties in Britain have several differences in policy.

The Conservatives support a referendum on UK membership of the European Union (EU), for example, something which Labour is strongly against.

Labour, meanwhile, pledges to introduce a mansion tax for the wealthy, a move the Tories are opposed to.

Beneath these differences however, much of the two parties’ policies reflect a Westminster consensus"

Read the full article here.

Are you sure you put your ballot paper in the right box? Here's RT's look at the weirdest and wackiest polling stations across the country.

Here's a great info-graphic from the London School of Economics which shows you when each seat's result will be announced.

Keep your eyes peeled for RT's guide to the most interesting constituencies in the UK coming soon!

The latest social media trend to take over twitter is also definitely the silliest. #DogsAtPollingStations has seen voters post snaps of their political puppies getting involved in democracy.

NB. Dogs can't actually vote, but we live in hope.

Don't forget to tune in from 10:00 for our comprehensive election night coverage with Bill Dod and Polly Boiko.

Have you ever wanted to put together the ultimate cabinet? Well here's your chance. Seeing as it's unlikely that we'll have any real results for at least a couple of days, why not create your own Fantasy Frontbench? You can pick your MPs on age, gender, and policies for maximum representation.

Despite the results of this election being far from certain, activists are already planning to demonstrate against a 'Tory coup' which would attempt to de-legitimise any agreement between Labour and the SNP.

"Activist groups are planning to take to the streets as rumors abound that David Cameron’s Conservatives may be preparing an election ‘coup’ after labeling any Labour government propped up by the SNP ‘illegitimate’.

Commentators have issued warnings in the wake of what they consider a sustained campaign by various influential newspapers to influence voters against a Labour/SNP pact.

The Guardian’s Owen Jones warned against “sleepwalking into a dangerous moment,” while Adam Ramsey, co-editor of the Our Kingdom blog, said the Conservatives were cooking up “an attempt to delegitimize any partnership between Labour and the SNP.”

Read the full story here.

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View the original article here

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