Citizens are returning to business today, after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that administrative permits for employees will expire from 12 May.
Russian President Vladimir Putin made statements regarding the coronavirus outbreak prior to his meeting with regional officials through video conferencing. Stating that the precautionary measures cannot be terminated immediately, Putin stated that the administrative permit for the employees is over and that he will be on the job as of May 12.
EMPLOYEES MAKE A COLLABORReporting that the administrative permit for employees who have been continuing since 28 March in Russia will end on May 12, Putin said, "Today is the last day for the administrative leave for employees." said. Pointing out that the fight against the epidemic continues, Putin stated that the long holiday period stopped the spread of the epidemic. Putin noted that they have increased the level of preparation of the health system in this way. Pointing to the need for time to soften the measures, Putin said, however, that the regional governors could continue to decide on the condition of the outbreak, whether the measures were softened or hardened.
ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE FOR EVERY CHILDRussian President stated that within the scope of coronavirus measures, every child between the ages of 3-15 will be paid 10 thousand rubles (960 TL) by the state. In Russia, which was declared a paid public holiday during April, this period was extended until May 11.
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