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9 Mayıs 2015 Cumartesi


Charlotte a commercial hit for Britain's Royals

Just a few days old but Britain’s Princess Charlotte is already proving to be a welcome addition to Brand Windsor, getting the cash tills ringing for royal memorabilia.

The royal feel-good factor has yet to wear off, but before it does plenty are trying to cash in on the occasion, from commemorative mug makers to model village owners.

“The’ve created a seven centimetre tall double buggy for the new royal and she’s made up of just three tiny Lego bricks. We have welcomed the new royal baby in miniature into our Lego royal family in our world-famous mini land attraction”, said Legoland Windsor PR manager Lauren Moss.

It is not just tourists but many Britons who lap this up and go and buy mementos of all descriptions, and the media will ensure Charlotte will benefit from an extensive, and free, public relations campaign cementing her in the public eye as the fourth in line to the throne.
The profits from her entry into the world will ensure she pays her way right from the start.

“At the time of the birth of Prince George two years ago, the Centre for Retail Research estimated that birth would give us something like a 243-million-pound boost the the UK economy. I think we can expect a similar sort of figure this time around,” says economist at BGC Partners Michael Ingram.

It is estimated the royal household costs UK taxpayers 48.8 million euros a year, mostly spent on building maintenance, employee wages, and travel.

However through her land holdings worth 12.7 billion euros the Crown Estates makes a profit for the Queen; 362 million euros last year, all of which was given to the treasury.

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