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12 Mayıs 2015 Salı


Liberal Democrats decimated across Britain in unprecedented defeat

Published time: May 08, 2015 11:32 Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party Nick Clegg speaks after retaining his seat of Sheffield Hallam in Sheffield, northern England, on May 8, 2015. (Reuters/Andrew Yates) Leader of the Liberal Democrat Party Nick Clegg speaks after retaining his seat of Sheffield Hallam in Sheffield, northern England, on May 8, 2015. (Reuters/Andrew Yates)

Thursday night provided an extraordinary series of shocks, particularly for the Liberal Democrats, which faced a seismic collapse in voter support across the UK forfeiting some of the party’s most prized seats.

Veteran party members Vince Cable, Simon Hughes and Charles Kennedy all lost their seats, as did the party’s Business Minister Jo Swinson.

Reflecting on the party’s defeat, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said Thursday night had proved a “cruel and disappointing” experience for him and his co-members.

In a heartfelt resignation speech, he said “fear and grievance” had won, while Liberalism had lost.

Clegg announced his resignation on Friday before noon, stressing that the election results had been "immeasurably more crushing and unkind" than predicted.

He said he must take responsibility for the Lib Dem's loss, and thanked his colleagues for their hard and diligent work in recent years.

READ MORE: Deputy PM Nick Clegg resigns, as Liberal Democrats decimated in election

As the remaining votes are counted on Friday, the Conservatives are edging closer to an overall majority.

And as the remaining votes are counted, a dramatic collapse in support for the Lib Dems is particularly evident. As it currently stands, it has lost a minimum of 46 seats in Parliament and may have as few as eight seats once the final counts are in.

Compared with the party’s previous 57 seats in parliament, this marks a drop in support of almost 80 percent.

Some of the highest-profile Lib Dems to lose their seats were:

As the tectonic plates of British politics shift, one of the highest-profile Lib Dem members to forfeit his seat was outgoing business secretary and MP for Twickenham Vince Cable. Cable’s exit from the House of Commons proved a heavy blow to the party and for Cable on a personal level, as he had laid claim to the seat since 1997.

The outgoing business secretary was also one of the few Lib Dems who won over 50 percent of the vote in Britain’s last two general elections.

While party leader Nick Clegg described Cable as a “legend of a man” when he visited Cable’s constituency in the final days of the campaign race, Tory candidate Tania Mathias managed to take his seat on Thursday.

Norman Baker, the party’s ex-home office minister, lost his Lewes seat to the Conservatives. In the wake of his defeat, he conceded his political career is over. Baker, an MP in the Commons since 1997, stepped down as a minister in November 2014 following a public row with Home Secretary Theresa May over UK drugs legislation.

Former Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander also lost his seat to the SNP’s 20-year-old Drew Hendry. Analysts suggest Alexander’s loss in support was a direct result of his role in welcoming and implementing the Conservative’s highly controversial austerity program.

Clearly devastated by the news of his defeat, Alexander said he will “always be proud of the difference I and my party have made to the country in the last five years."

Another grueling loss for the Lib Dems is Lynne Featherstone’s defeat in the constituency of Hornsey and Wood Green. A core battleground throughout the campaign race, the seat was a leading target for Labour, which wiped the Lib Dems out there in 2010.

Formerly Home Office minister, then Minister of State for International Development, and back again to the Home Office, she played a core role in campaigning for the 2013 Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act. She was also one of the leading voices behind government policies to tackle female genital mutilation.

Another leading Lib Dem to lose his seat was outgoing minister of state Simon Hughes. The former Lib Dem deputy leader lost his seat in Bermondsey and Old Southwark to Labour’s Neil Coyle. Hughes appeared devastated as the news of his defeat broke. Critics suggest he was a victim of the electorate’s distaste for the coalition’s austerity policies and Clegg’s perceived broken promise on university fees.

Hughes secured close to 50 percent of the electorate’s backing in 2010, and has served his local constituency for 30 years.

Lib Dem energy secretary Ed Davey was the first minister to be ousted from the Commons on Thursday night. Davey, who was previously singled out as a potential future party chief, lost his seat to James Berry of the Conservatives.

The outgoing energy secretary held his seat in Kingston and Surbiton since 1997. He took up the position of energy secretary in 2012, following Chris Huhne’s resignation in the wake of allegations he had engineered a miscarriage of justice.

Jo Swinson won a seat in the Commons at 25 years of age, becoming a Lib Dem MP in Glasgow’s East Dunbartonshire. Following a 10-year stint that saw her move from the position of Nick Clegg’s private secretary to junior equalities minister, Swinson lost her seat to the SNP’s John Nicholson.

Former Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy came second to nationalist Ian Blackford in the Ross, Skye and Lochaber. Kennedy said he will remain very much involved in British politics, despite his high-profile defeat by the SNP.

In an impassioned letter to the Liberal Democrats, ex-party leader Paddy Ashdown said the “bitter” election results did not do justice to the party’s “hard work, dedication or passion.”

READ MORE: Ed Miliband resigns as Labour Party leader after general election defeat

“Let us remember what we fought for – liberal values, offering a vibrant, positive, and hopeful alternative for our country,” he said.

“The forces of decency, moderation, unity, respect for others and progressive politics are weaker this morning. But they are not lost, and they must not be lost.”

A Lib Dem spokesperson said the election results appeared to point to an ominous picture.

The Green Party’s Natalie Bennett, who lost her central London seat, said “politics of fear have outweighed the politics of hope.”

Labour’s Ed Miliband expressed grave disappointment at his party’s failure to win a majority in the commons.

“This has clearly been a very disappointing and difficult night,” he said.

“The next government faces a huge responsibility in keeping the country together.”

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11 Mayıs 2015 Pazartesi


Ed Miliband resigns as Labour Party leader after general election defeat

Published time: May 08, 2015 08:43
Edited time: May 08, 2015 12:23 Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband. (Reuters/Darren Staples) Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband. (Reuters/Darren Staples)
Ed Miliband has stood down as Labour Party leader after his party suffered a crushing defeat in the UK General Election, accepting “full responsibility” for his party’s defeat.
In an emotionally-charged address, interspersed with repeated applause from supporters, he lauded what he termed the most “united, cohesive, enjoyable campaign I’ve ever been involved in.”
He reserved particular thanks for “all those people who’ve pounded the streets” for the party.
“Britain,” he argued, “needs a strong Labour Party,” and that it was “time for someone else to take leadership of the party.”
READ MORE: UK General Election 2015 LIVE UPDATES
He praised his deputy Harriet Harman, saying she would take over while that “open, honest debate” took place.
To those he met during the campaign, he said: “Thank you for sharing your stories with me ... thank you for the selfies, and the most unlikely cult of the 21st century… Milifandom!”
— nina (@caramellester) May 8, 2015
“While we may have lost the election, the argument of our campaign will not go away,” he said.
To his party he said: “I am truly sorry I did not succeed.”
“Thank you for the privilege, I joined this party aged 17, I never dreamed I would lead it … it will be a force for change again.”
“Pick yourself up and continue the fight. We’ve come back before and we’ll come back again.”
“When we see injustice, we must tackle it,” he said.
— izzie (@_is4belle) May 8, 2015
“It is people that make change happen, I will never give up on that cause. I will never give up fighting for the Britain I believe in. I will always be there in that cause with all of you.”
In light of Labour’s abysmal performance in Scotland, and amid rumors of another Scottish independence referendum, he reiterated his commitment to the Union.
“I believe in our United Kingdom, because it is the best way of serving our country,” Miliband said. “All of us in the months ahead must rise to the challenge of keeping our country together.”
Despite Miliband’s expression of confidence in his deputy, it took Harriet Harman little over an hour to announce that she would also be stepping down once a new leader is elected by the party membership.
— Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband) May 8, 2015
Labour suffered a humiliating defeat in Scotland, after the SNP won 56 out of 59 contested seats.
Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls is among senior Labour politicians to lose their seat. In a surprise outcome, contrary to pre-election polls, the Conservatives emerged with the largest share of seats. David Cameron is well on his way to securing a majority, while Labour and the Liberal Democrats have suffered humiliating losses.
Projections say Cameron will win 328 seats in total – enough to command a majority in the House of Commons.
Speaking earlier today after winning his Doncaster North seat, Miliband said: “This has clearly been a very disappointing and difficult night for the Labour Party.
“We have not made the gains we wanted in England and Wales, and in Scotland we have seen a surge of nationalism overwhelm our party,” s
aid Miliband, after comfortably securing his own seat with an increased majority.
— Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband) May 8, 2015
“I want to say to all the dedicated and decent colleagues in Scotland who have lost their seats that I am deeply sorry for what has happened.
“And I also want to say that the next government has a huge responsibility. It has a huge responsibility in facing the very difficult task of keeping our country together.”
“Whatever party we come from, if we believe in the United Kingdom we should stand up for people in every part of our United Kingdom because I believe that what unites us is much, much more than what divides us.”
In the early hours after the poll results came in, some Labour Party members had said it wasn’t the time to replace Miliband and that the blame for Labour’s defeat, most notably in Scotland, couldn’t be pinned on him alone.
— The Labour Party (@UKLabour) May 8, 2015
Labour will now face a leadership contest, with Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, Shadow Health Secretary Andy Burnham, Shadow Justice Minister Dan Jarvis, Shadow Care Minister Liz Kendall and Shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna considered potential successors.
The Liberal Democrats under Nick Clegg have been decimated in the election. Clegg called it a “cruel and punishing night”
for his party.
— Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband) May 8, 2015
— Ed Miliband (@Ed_Miliband) May 8, 2015

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